Is There Ever a Time When a Dealership Service Center Is Better Than an Independent Repair Shop?

Chances are you've heard it again and again—independent repair shops are cheaper, they won't try to upsell you, they'll give you more information about how long you can really go with those brakes. However, that's not always true. The dealership service centers are like any other shop in that their quality depends on the quality of the people working there. And when you find a service center that has great people, you could be much better off getting your car fixed there than at an independent shop.

Warranty Work

The most obvious reason to go to a dealership is the warranty work. You will never have to worry about the dealership claiming the warranty work it did was invalid and not covered under the warranty. With independent shops, there is always the risk that the car manufacturer will not recognize the shop, which could invalidate your car's warranty.

Obscure Repairs

Sometimes a car has a problem that's so bizarre that a general mechanic just can't track it down. You need a tech who has been trained on your make of car only. They have been able to study the models much more in-depth and have a better sense of how each part and all its quirks interacts with other parts.


Some centers don't allow haggling, but you may want to try anyway. Just as dealerships will haggle over the price of a car, they might be willing to haggle over the price of a repair, especially if you can show that a bunch of other shops are charging less for the same work. Independent shops might have thinner profit margins, so they won't be nearly as amenable to bargaining.

Total Car Inspections

If you end up with a car whose true condition you don't know—say, a car owned by a relative who recently died, and you can't find the service records—taking the car to a dealership service center is the best thing to do. The technicians will be well-trained on what kind of maintenance should have taken place, and they'll have access to recall records and other information available from the car's manufacturer. They might even be able to track down where the vehicle was previously serviced.

If you're looking for a good repair shop, check out the dealerships in your region. You should find them staffed by knowledgeable technicians who want your car to run perfectly and have the resources to do so.
