Don’t Put Off Fixing These Three Problems With Your Car

Some problems with your automobile are not as serious as others. If you have a bad windshield wiper, it will be squeaky, but if you don't fix it right away, it's not going to cause serious issues. And if you're headliner is sagging a bit, it's not going to cost more if you put off reupholstering it for a while. That's not the case with all automobile repairs. Some issues can end up causing serious problems for the car and incurring big repair bills if you leave them to get worse. Read More 

Don’t Make These Mistakes If You’re Storing Your Car for the Winter

It's common for people to store vehicles for the winter, especially those who own restored classic cars, sports cars, or vehicles that sit low to the ground. Keeping your vehicle in storage for the winter months keeps it protected from the outdoor elements during a time of year when it's too difficult or dangerous to drive it. However, you can't simply drive your car into a storage unit, lock it up, and leave it alone all winter. Read More 

Curbstoning: When That Great Deal On A Used Car Isn’t So Great After All

There are plenty of honest people who are willing to sell you their used car—but there's also a shady group of characters who participate in "curbstoning," which is the illegal practice of flipping used cars by representing themselves as a private owner. Here is how to avoid becoming a curbstoner's victim and why going to a used car lot is a great deal safer. What is curbstoning and why is it illegal? Read More 

Need Replacement Auto Parts? Why You Should Get Them From A Salvage Yard

Few things can be as disconcerting as realizing that there is a problem with your car.  If you've had your vehicle inspected and were told that you need to replace certain parts, you may think that new parts are the only option.  However, there may be an even better alternative:  Getting replacement parts from a salvage yard.  Learning more about the benefits of buying replacement parts from a salvage lot will help you see why it's the right choice for you. Read More 

3 Things To Look For In A Towing Company

Everybody has been through it at least once: being stuck on the side of the road and having to call a towing service to get you out of a frustrating situation. But not all towing companies are created equal. So if you're looking to identify a reliable company that you can contact in case things go south while you're out on the road, keep on reading below to discover just a few things that you'll want to keep in mind. Read More